30 Mar
30 Mar
4:14 p.m.
Hello all:
I am running a Windows 10 laptop with the following SDR setup: RTL-SDR Blog v3 SDR# with the RTL-SDR Blog v3 drivers copied into the folder. Since the SDR# download said it was x86, I copied the x86 RTL-SDR Blog drivers into its directory. VB-Audio virtual cable. SoundModem UISS SDR# is configured so its audio out goes to VB-Audio virtual cable in. SoundModem is configured so its audio in reads from VB-Audio virtual cable out. UISS is set so that it uses SoundModem, not AGW Packet Radio.
When I start SDR # to listen on the ISS packet download frequency (I think 430.55 MHz), and point my antenna in the general direction of the ISS, nothing appears in the main panel of the ISS application.
Is there something I missed?
Thanks, Derrick