Hi Larry,
Over the last several months I've had decent results with the following: Antenna: Arrow dual band ground plane GP146/440 - 1/4 Wave Ground Plane - (2 Meter) - (70cm OSJ)
Preamp: dual band preamp SSB-Electronic DBA 270 Duo-Band-Preamp. 2m + 70cm (I have this in the shack, needs to be outside of course, but better than nothing in my installation).
Receiver: Airspy mini
SDRSharp with DDE plugin for frequency and Doppler control, hooked to SatPC32
SDRSharp with virtual audio cable out to three programs: FoxTLM, and a decoder for both EO-88 and AO-73. Easy to add more, just use the same virtual audio signal for all of them.
EO-88 is pretty loud so it's easy to get frames. AO-73 is hard when in low power telemetry, but easy when full power. AO-95--at my home QTH I have a silly "birdie" right at it's downlink, so it's hard to copy, but I get a few frames.
This setup lets me track 2M and 70cm birds, using SatPC32 to schedule which birds and in what priority, while using whatever audio decoder software you need to receive the virtual audio cable out of SDRSharp. Key is the DDE plug-in...
All of this pales in comparison to a tracking array, but it's low tech and gets some things uploaded to their respective aggregators..
Mark L. Hammond [N8MH] AMSAT Director and Command Station
On Tue, May 3, 2022 at 9:22 AM z man [email protected] wrote:
Hi all, I am in search of an antenna that I could use to receive the 2 meter telemetry signals from AO-73, Nayif-1, etc. While I am having good success with my Yagi setup, I would like to eliminate any computer control of the antennas. My question is what would be a suggested antenna I could possibly build? I'm testing out a Lindenblad in RHCP, but so far (2 days in the air) I'm not seeing any decodes. Would receiving the 460mW beacon from EO-88 require a steerable antenna? Thanks for your help.
Larry N1MIW
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