No software can "fully support" that rig because it is not possible to read the VFO frequency. It doesn't have the CAT command to do that. The first thing that HRD does is read your radios frequency.
Jean-François Ménard wrote:
I know that the Yaesu FT-736R is quite a bit old... but it is an excellent rig with his limitation, of course.
I bought one on a recent hamfest here in Quebec.... better than running 2 FT-817ND to do the comlete full duplex.... FT-736R has more "ears" too of course.
I'm a beginner, and cannot afford another sat rig for now, and this one is really do the job for me. But I have difficulty to see a brilliant futur for this radio with next generation software like HRD.
Why only SatPC32 is able to fully support this rig while HRD can't !?!?