Greetings all. Having only 12 el on 70cm and no az/el, Arecibo is so not happening at my QTH. But I digress. I recently went to a new Windows 7 (Intel Core I-7 processor) computer from a P4 (what a delight.) Anyway, SatPC, digipan, MMRTTY, HRD all work fine using my Signalink. What no longer works, however, is AGWPE and UISS. Unless I set the default speakers in the computer to the USB codec (Signalink), it simply will not transmit packet. Decodes fine. This is preventing me from d'ing on NO44 and ISS. I have posted this problem on some other sites but so far no useful feedback. If you are running Signalink, AGWPE and Windows 7, can we talk offline? Thanks in advance.
Craig N6RSX NOTICE: This communication may contain privileged or other confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this communication, or an employee or agent responsible for delivering this communication to the intended recipient, please advise the sender by reply email and immediately delete the message and any attachments without copying or disclosing the contents. Thank you.