Hi All,
I willl be present again using EME via the CAMRAS system. I have participated two previous times, during the testing phase and as pilot during JOTA, and that was very successful.
Many satellite stations are already well equipped to work EME using the CAMRAS "big ears", but I am using a slight overkill system to ensure success.
Satellite wise I will focus on FUNcube, since I can explain the design and present about the FUNcube project to the troop. Thanks Jim for uploading the fitter message.
See you all on HF, VHF/UHF, sats, ATV, EME and on YouTube!
Wouter PA3WEG/J
On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 10:53 PM, Geert Jan de Groot pe1hzg@xs4all.nl wrote:
This coming weekend, October 17-19, is the 57th annual Jamboree on the
A point of trivia, related to AMSAT as it is using OSCAR zero:
You may know that in the Netherlands, the CAMRAS foundation took over the large telescope of Dwingeloo. This year during upcoming JOTA weekend, several stations will try to make QSO's using QRP EME via the moon using WSJT and the telescope (accessible via WebSDR) as Receiver With Large Ears.
Information, in Dutch alas, can be found at
You should be able to listen in using the same WebSDR station.
Please join me to congratulate the volunteers of CAMRAS, and especially Frans PE1RXJ, for organizing and facilitating this impressive feat.
Unfortunately, I'm too busy with other aspects of JOTA but I wish the stations doing this experiment / demonstration the best of luck!
Geert Jan
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