Great to see other W1AW portable operations planned for the satellites.
I will be operating as W1AW/0 from EN34 in Minnesota the following week, January 29 through Feb. 4th. Note that those dates are from 0000 UTC through 2350 UTC.
All QSL requests for the W!AW portable operations should go to ARRL Headquarters.
73 Rolf NR0T Grid EN34it
On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 9:36 AM, W2JV [email protected] wrote:
I will be active on all the amateur satellites from 1/22- 1/28 as W1AW/2.
W1AW Portable Operations, ARRL Centennial QSO Party
The ARRL Centennial "W1AW WAS" operations are taking place throughout 2014 from each of the 50 states, relocating each Wednesday (UTC) to a new pair of states (this week, Nebraska and Delaware. Listen for W1AW/0 and W1AW/3). During 2014 W1AW will be on the air from every state at least twice and from most US territories, and it will be easy to work all states solely by contacting W1AW portable operations.
73, Pete
W2JV formerly WB2OQQ
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