I am releasing version 1.11 of FoxTelem. This primarily supports new features needed for GOLF-T development and the CubeSat Simulator. If you are using FoxTelem in the lab or classroom then this release should be installed. It also fixes several bugs that will help with live decoding of AO-95. It is not a mandatory upgrade but it is recommended.
Specifically it addresses the following: * Fixes a bug where Costas decoding can stop if audio is being monitored * Supports all the latest features needed for the CubeSatSimulator * Better warnings for tracking and Find Signal errors * Supports all the latest GOLF-T layouts * Fixes a bug where strong signals may not be tracked correctly * Supports math expressions in telemetry conversions * Better handles USB device errors
You can download FoxTelem here: http://amsat.us/FoxTelem/windows/FoxTelem_1.11g_windows.zip http://amsat.us/FoxTelem/linux/FoxTelem_1.11g_linux.tar.gz http://amsat.us/FoxTelem/mac/FoxTelem_1.11g_mac.tar.gz
Feel free to reach out to me with questions or comments.
73 Chris G0KLA / AC2CZ