Hi AMSAT Community, Greetings from the AMSAT-NA IT Team. Just wanted to send a quick note about the existence of the AMSAT Discord server. It is one of several communication services that AMSAT-NA maintains for the greater amateur radio community.
There is general information about the Discord server herehttps://www.amsat.org/amsat-discord-server/. If you are familiar with Discord, the direct link to join the server is herehttps://discord.gg/xbTXcPJHyt.
Although we are often hidden in the background (QRN perhaps?), the AMSAT-NA IT Volunteer Team does work very hard to maintain, and improve, services such as the Mailman lists (reflectors), the callsign e-mail forwarding service, the AMSAT-NA website, the TLE (Keps) server, the GitLab instancehttps://gitlab.amsat.org/open-source, and the Discord server. Together with other volunteers, we do our best to deliver services that work for YOU.
If you have an interest in volunteering for AMSAT-NA, and have Linux server administration, programming/DevOps experience, or other experience in IT, please contact us at [email protected]mailto:[email protected]. We would love to talk more about how you might contribute to our community.
Matthew Alberti (KM4EXS) AMSAT IT Team