... they had to go build a super sat ... ... Never forget the builders factor... Each one involved in the sat making have their own ideas about what THEY believe the satellite should be.
And since "they" are the ones spending 12-16 hours a day for years to BUILD it, then it is only human nature that they will build what THEY believe in, and not what a bunch of keyboard-jocky shack-potato's waste everyone's time whinnning about...
If you can build a satellite, build it. If you believe in what others are doing, contribute... If you can only whine, then get out of the way...
I can tell you for sure, that volunteers are fragile in any organization. Let them do the best they can with what they are able. Trying to re-direct them to do something else of no interest to them and progress will DIE.
And the ankle-bitters and whinning shack-potatoes win and will go on and on about how "they shoulda, coulda, woulda done better"... BUT, nothing was accomplished...
Bob, Wb4APR