Build one myself for 23cm years ago on 1268Mc. 2*19el fixed RHCP. The tricky part was the DR environment because spacings are small on 23cm. Made it with 1/4L mechanical spacing. It never lead me dwn, worked beter then my 30t helix. I hope my 4pol switch for this crossyagi will be finished in a month or 2, but busy with building µwave EME setup. Maybe i will try it first with my 70cm 4pol switch, but this will have more loss.
I've never seen commercial crossyagis for 23, but WIMO used to have helix antennes for 23c,and 13cm, or try to make them yourself.
best 73's
----- Oorspronkelijk bericht ----- Van: "amsat-bb" [email protected] Aan: "amsat-bb" [email protected] Verzonden: Zondag 28 februari 2021 11:41:35 Onderwerp: [AMSAT-BB] WTB: Circular Polarized Yagis for 1.2/2.4 GHz
Trying to locate a good source for these. M2 doesn't have these. Ideas pls?
73/Ed NI6S
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