Note on just copying AO85 on the 1845Z pass (in high speed mode): Normal method of copying telemetry is with FCD+ fed by a 2M splitter that also feeds a TS700 2M transceiver. Works. Tried something different: Instead of having the FCD listening on 2M, I had it listening to the 10.7MHz IF output tap of the TS700. Then I tuned the TS700 strictly for best eye pattern. It worked; the lower right counter added 63 packets in half of a pass (a million trees and a great big hill to the north here). Most packets ever. Now the strange parts. The TS700 was tuned to 145.964. A bit lower than expected. (I normally hear audio at 145.980). And the best eye pattern was obtained (without automatic signal tracking) with the two peaks of the telemetry offset half the passband to the right of FoxTelem's centerline indicator. Seems odd, or am I missing something?
BTW FoxTelem is an astounding piece of software. Wow.
Ed K9EK EM69xd