Terry, click on the ServerSDX symbol in the taskbar to show the program normally. Then choose the proper COM port in the setup window of ServerSDX. I suppose you run your controller at a USB port (using a USB-to-Serial adapter or cable with built in adapter). The port number of the generated virtual COM port can change when you change the USB port. 73s, Erich, DK1TB
Am 12.12.2016 um 13:54 schrieb Terry:
I need some help with SatPC32. I have been using it for some time (over a year) with no problems but now it is looking for a serial port I don't have. I am using a Yaesu G-5500 rotor which should be on port 10 but it some how got changed to port 13. I tried to access the help for Yaesu rotors (? - hints - rotor - Yaesu g-232) but it won't open. How do I change it back? I'm having a CRS moment I guess.
Terry - AF7W EL98ok
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