This is a quick note to say that FoxTelem Version 1.04 is being released. There is a lot in this version so I have written some blog posts to summarize new features. See below.
You can download FoxTelem for your platform from one of these links: http://amsat.us/FoxTelem/windows/foxtelem_1.04f_windows.zip http://amsat.us/FoxTelem/linux/foxtelem_1.04f_linux.tar.gz http://amsat.us/FoxTelem/mac/FoxTelem_1.04f_mac.zip
Broadly speaking the changes fit into the following categories:
1. Full support for Fox-1Cliff, Fox-1D and RadFXSat including better High Speed decoding and a better find signal algorithm.
2. Additional analytical capabilities so you can plot one telemetry variable against another. I hope this will inspire more people to analyze the telemetry from the spacecraft and post comments on what they see. I have put some of my own thoughts online here: http://www.g0kla.com/workbench/2016-05-07.php
3. Enhanced tools to analyze your ground station with SkyPlots for satellite measurements like Signal to Noise ratio and graphs for pass measurements. Skyplots in particular need a bit of explanation, so I have written more details here: http://www.g0kla.com/foxtelem/skyplot.php
You can read a full list of the changes here on github: https://github.com/ac2cz/FoxTelem/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3A%22Release...
73 Chris G0KLA / AC2CZ