I bought a new PC, now running Windows 10, and trying to get everything set up once again. It's always the little things that take so much time to figure out. Perhaps someone can help with this one:
I have the entry for ISS packet repeater set up in Doppler.SQF as: ISS,145825,145825,FMD,FMD,NOR,0,0,Packet
When I select ISS in SatPC32, it immediately changes the frequencies of both VFOs to 145.825 and puts the rig into FM with the Digital mode indicated.
When I start SatPC32ISS (which uses the same Doppler.SQF file as SatPC32), it changes the frequencies of both VFOs to 145.825 and puts the rig into FM but NOT into the Digital mode. I have to do that manually on the rig.
Any thoughts? -- Mark D. Johns, KØMDJ Decorah, Iowa USA EN43 ----------------------------------------------- "Heaven goes by favor; if it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in." ---Mark Twain