I was at a university ground station today and noted their antennas were not keeping up with their satellite on a high elevation pass. They are using SatPC32 with the G5500 rotor. They have the dead band set to 3 degrees. Since they are using a pair of long UHF Yagis for a total of 21dB gain there were some lost packets for about 2 minutes or so around TCA. Their sat was deployed from the ISS so is currently at about 400km altitude which means it's zipping by rather quickly when the elevation is above about 75 degrees or so.
In the past I've used tracking programs that allowed a 'lead' setting. That is, you could tell the software to lead the satellite by a few seconds. That did a pretty good job keeping the sat in the beam width when the AZ was changing quickly. I'm not finding that setting in SatPC32. Is there one, or another setting to accomplish the same thing?