Hello Bob, just tried GO-32 with my D7A into a 1/4wave groungplane at 15 feet and my packets/ posit was heard by EI7IG igate. It was an 18 deg pass to my east. had read on GO-32 page that reports are wanted till more igates get up. But thought you'd like to know the 5watt HT crossed the pond agn. First 96 baud mode j bird i've worked. 73. Mark
Great! As soon as PCSAT-1 dies in a week or so and ANDE re-enters in 4 weeks or so, then Im gonna get back and fan the flames for more people to exercise their ability (any time, anywhere) with their HT to send an email via GO32.
Lets see, you are in Main, and his IGate is in Europe! Yep, nice haul for a 5W HT...
2007 11/11 22:59:55 : KB1GVR-9]4TSV1W,4XTECH*,qAo,EI7IG:``6yl!tk/]"4C}U 2007 11/11 22:58:58 : KB1GVR-9]4TSV1W,4XTECH*,qAo,EI7IG:``6yl!tk/]"4C}U 2007 11/11 22:57:29 : KB1GVR-9]4TSV1W,4XTECH*,qAo,EI7IG:``6yl!tk/]"4C}U