Yes Luc ... the first satellite contact made will earn that ARRL entry the 100-point bonus for a satellite contact.
It's also important to note that ARRL and AMSAT are only scoring one contact each on AO-27 and SO-50. AMSAT Field Day rules permit one contact each on each of the active transponders on AO-51. If the ISS is configured to be active both in FM voice and packet, AMSAT also will score one voice contact and one completed two-way packet contact.
ARRL Field Day rules stipulate only one contact per FM satellite will score.
I have sent you the 2009 AMSAT Field Day rules off the BB. I hope that proves helpful.
Best of luck to all this Field Day - and please listen for W4G on all of the satellites!
Tim - N3TL (operating the W4G satellite station for Field Day) -------------- Original message from Luc Leblanc [email protected]: --------------
On 26 Jun 2009 at 8:54, jeff kb2m wrote:
Right now the ISS is in 2m split mode? 145.825 up 145.800 down RS0ISS-3 packet.
73 Jeff kb2m
Over grid FN26 there will be 6 available pass starting 0122 EDT on June 28 most of them will be on the night shift but some real good one early morning the 28 until the last one 0919 EDT June 28 Just to remind that only ONE (1) satellite contact is required to have the ARRL100 satellite bonus points. Never heard if AMSAT-NA will also have his satellite field day but it's not helping the ARRL Field Day as multiple QSO'S are allowed.on a very restricted satellite aging fleet. Not to mention there is about no rules who stands and it is not a friendly QRP area... The moto is the bigger and longer CQQQQQQQ EEEEER. It will be interesting to have some negative points for poor operating practice? It's easy to spot and post but not too flattering for the offending station.
Just to remind some offended virgin ARRL has his check log for numerous years and no one complains. (Those on the check log could be...)
Happy field day it will be a whole week end of rain and heavy thunderstorm here!
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