31 May
31 May
9:31 p.m.
On May 30, 2009, at 6:19 AM, Bob Bruninga wrote:
Absolutely, For a 19.5" whip in center of roof:
- Has 5 dBi gain above 20 deg on 2m
- Has 7+ dBi gain above 30 deg on 70cm
- Is an omni
- does not sacrifice 3 dB for circular
- Above 25 deg, satellite is 6 to 10 dB closer!
- works the birds solid for the center of high passes
- Simplicity at its best!
As an "aside" to Bob's comments, the higher takeoff angle of a 1/4 wave on 2m or 70cm is something that astute FM/repeater users in the mountainous areas of the country have always known... when you're at the bottom of a canyon, and the station/repeater you want to work is a couple of canyons over... a 1/4 wave will work because it'll get the signal "up and out" of the terrain via bouncing off rock walls, better than higher gain antennas. Everyone should have a basic 1/4 wave antenna available for their mobile station, for use in certain situations.
-- Nate Duehr [email protected]