Glad you got this going, Hasan! 53 packets on a 15 degree pass is really good!
The server appears to be down now. Typically queued telemetry is uploaded nearly right away, although there is often 1 sitting in the queue until the end of the pass. When there server is back up, your queued packets will be sent.
Thanks for collecting data! What is your grid square? Just curious...
On Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 12:11 PM, Hasan al-Basri [email protected] wrote:
Thanks to all of you and the last magic bullet from Terry, ZL2BAC.
Setup: 2m EggBeater at 7', 80' 9913 coax AirSpy HF+, SDR-Console V3.03 FoxTelem 1.06r patched VBAudio from SDRC > Decoder
Checked L/R audio, not an issue for me, as I was getting audio in both channels. I unchecked Left Audio, to be safe. (FoxTelem)
Symptom: Could not decode DUV telemetry, did not see Eye fully open, always smeared, and no squared off peaks in the freq display of FoxTelem.
- Not only is there a high pass filter in the Narrow FM setting of SDRC
V3, but *there is a second HiPass* in :
Receive > Options > Equalizer ...in the bottom right hand corner, two check boxes, Equalizer and 25 Hz filter. They were checked since install, I had never looked at the Equalizer in all these months of use.
Summary Settings That Work:
SDRC: NFM, 12 kHz Audio Output Slider 60% CABLE Input (VB-Audio Virtual Cable) Narrow FM: Highpas OFF Receive > Options > Equalizer OFF, HPF OFF
FoxTelem Settings: (Aside from my location/call/etc)
Input Screen: DUV (not Auto) Input: CABLE Output (VB-Audio Virtual Cable) View Filtered Audio Raised Cosine Cutoff Freq: 200 Hz Filter Length: 512
Settings Screen: All Defaults, except:
FoxTelem Calculates Position Auto Start Decoder when above horizon
Decoder Options: Upload to Server Track Doppler (probably not needed as SDRC is doing this and I'm not using FunCube) Store Payloads Fix Dropped Bits use Long PRM
Debug Options: Use Native File Chooser =================================
My one remaining question:
At the finish of this 15 deg pass, I got 53 Frames, 57 Payloads, and Queued: 53
When does the queued data get uploaded? It's been half an hour and nothing has happened and I'm not showing up as a ground station.
Signals were far from outstanding, so I wouldn't say it is hard to get TLM copied. 15 deg EL on an Eggbeater only 7' off the ground is not a great pass. Lots of fades, lots of noise much of the time.
Thanks to all for help. Now I can make a habit og grabbing TLM.
73 N0AN
Hasan _______________________________________________ Sent via [email protected]. AMSAT-NA makes this open forum available to all interested persons worldwide without requiring membership. Opinions expressed are solely those of the author, and do not reflect the official views of AMSAT-NA. Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program! Subscription settings: http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb