>> … I have been seeing your emails on the presentations.  Just curious if any of them have been recorded and available for people to view?

YES - Several conventions and clubs have recorded the sessions!

But I recommend you don’t view them.


I am quite proud of each and every one off the 125+ shows I have presented. But the 
“problem” with a recording is that it is “outdated” soon. For example, some of the info 
provided regarding the ISS last week is now “dated” …

I have truly never given the same presentation twice. They are each unique to their 

BUT - I have a Web site that is maintained often:


Many have found it useful for “getting started” working the easy satellites. And there’s 
references for those desiring to work the SSB birds.

HERE COMES THE PITCH: Think an informative and fun “getting started” sat session 
would be of interest to YOUR club? Let’s do it!

Clint Bradford K6LCS
AMSAT Ambassador, ARRL instructor
909-999-SATS - voicemail