On 7/29/14, M5AKA [email protected] wrote:
It's another company that has yet to demonstrate it can actually achieve successful satellite launches, there must be about half a dozen such companies by now. But I guess there's a good chance some of them may succeed in launching a satellite in the next 5 or so years. The more launch capacity the better.
Getting launches at under $100,000 per kilo is hard which is why even unproven companies can attract interest from sat groups desperate to launch.
I know of one such company. Its booster is several years behind schedule and has yet to fly. Its launch facility has still under construction, as far as I know. However, I also know of someone looking to put a bird into orbit and it appears that this company will put it there for them. From what I understand, the price offered to that client was, relatively speaking, dirt cheap. I guess someone's desperate for business.
Personally, if I was doing something like that, I'd rather pay a higher cost but know that I'm dealing with a launch service that has a proven track record.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL