I will be at the Cochise... Hamfest on (5 May) in Sierra Vista, Arizona.
Yearly reminder: Everyone involved with a hamfest should consider:
1) Is the LAT/LONG on the web page?
2) Is there an APRS object marking the HAMFEST on the air 2 weeks in advance marking the spot so that drivers within 100 miles can just drive their APRS radios right to the spot.
3) Does the APRS object contain the talk-in freq in APRS format so that drivers only press the TUNE button on their APRS radios to instantly QSY to the talk in.
Is the APRS object in accordance with the standard APRS HAMFEST format so that it is consistent and can be found trivially on APRS clients by doing a search for all "HFEST*" such as http://map.findu.com/hfest*
Please see http://aprs.org/hamfest.html
More than one hamfest have I simply stumbled on by being out driving and having it pop up on my radio with everything I needed to just drive right to it. The number in the object indicates the day of the month so old or future hamfests are easily noted. Our object is HFEST-5th. You must make everything after the HFEST unique if you want it to appear on global searches. Other hamfests on the 5th can use HFEST-05x where x is your choice. Or HFEST-5xy if Xy can better match your club or area... etc.
Again, not just APRS users but anyone with a smart phone can also find these hamfests using the above web link.
Bob, Wb4aPR