I'm trying to get Satpc32 working on Win7. I have ver 12.8c loaded and it works fine for tracking but so far I have not been able to get the rotor interface working.
I have an LVB Tracker and it's on Com 5. I can manually move the antennas with the SDX server window but NOT from witing the program.
I found and old (from 2010) message from W7IN detailing the exact same problem I'm having and a response from Erich.
My problem as defined by Larry:
I have a Windows 7 Inspiron desktop. I just installed the SatPC32 for
GS-232. When I start SatPC32, it does not automatically also start SDX
as on my other computer. I can start SDX manually and can use the
"manual input" thing on SDX to speak with the GS232, reading current
position etc. But when I click up R+ SatPC32 has no contol over SDX and
the rotors do not move when I tell them to--like selecting "park." What
to do? Other features in SatPC32 seem to be working.
Larry W7IN
From Erich:
From the list in menu "Rotor Setup" choose the item "Yaesu GS-232".
Save the change with the upper "Save" button and restart SatPC32.
The program stores path and filename of ServerSDX.Exe in the aux. file "RotorServer.SQF" in the SatPC32 data folder. The path of the data folder is shown in a foot line of menu "Satellites". RotorServer.SQF can be opened with Notepad.
It should now contain the following line:
C:\Program Files\SatPC32\SDX\ServerSDX
Does the program now start ServerSDX?
If not, try whether it works better when you start SatPC32 with the option "Run as Administrator" (Right click on the file name and choose that option).
73s, Erich, DK1TB
I've tried ALL the suggestions, even as Administrator but still no joy.
Perhaps over the last 7 years the program has changed the location and format of some of the config/ SQF files???
It seems when I update the Rotor Setup settings the RotorServer.SQF file in the SatPC32 folder is NOT being updated.
C:\Users\KC2TN\AppData\Roaming\SatPC32 is the location of the RotorServer.SQF file
Any ideas? Anyone?
Tnx, Joe - KC2TN
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