Next week I'll continue a travel path north of the grids I worked this past week. This area is known as "The Texas Panhandle." Many grid lines are easily accessible and follow major roads, so I'll likely be on two grids per pass. This trip marks six years of operating from these grids since I first started roving on AO-51.
Listen for me on evening FM sat passes. I'll try to be most consistent operating those. I like to work FO-29 passes with good coverage coast-to-coast, so you might listen for me there as well.
My arrival time is after 2200Z on October 16 and I will probably operate until 0300 on October 20.
As always, follow me on Twitter @w5pfg for more up-to-date details on the activation.
QSL via LoTW is always recommended. I have a box of freshly-printed rover cards at my disposal for those who like paper.
73 Clayton W5PFG
participants (1)
Clayton Coleman