Several years ago I started posting grid maps on my website so that grid chasers and grid expeditioners could get an idea of what was needed by active satellite operators. However, some of these maps have not been updated in quite a while. And there are many new grid chasers that have not submitted their maps for posting.
If you have a map that is currently posted and has not been updated recently please send me an updated map(s) or just send me a text file of the grids you have confirmed, one 4 character grid square per line And another text file of grids you have worked but are not yet confirmed using the same format of one grid per line. I will generate the maps from these files and you can download and print the resulting map that will be posted.
If you have never submitted a map, please consider doing so. Knowing who has what is very helpful to potential grid expeditioners and it is a nice way to keep track of what you need and where that grid is located with respect to grids you already have. It's a lot easier for someone in a grid adjacent to one you need to go there compared to someone who might live hundreds of miles away doing the same. If you send me your grid lists as specified above, I will generate the maps for you.
Here's a list maps on my website and the date they were updated:
AA4QE 5/11/2012 AC0RA 8/26/2013 CO6CBF 11/22/2011 K6YK 4/26/2011 KB1PVH UNKNOWN KB1RVT 9/6/2013 KB9RID 1/8/2011 KC0YBM 12/31/2011 KD8CAO 10/8/2011 KD8KSN 8/2/2011 KI6YAA 11/30/2010 KK5DO 4/21/2012 KO4MA 10/28/2013 N5AFV 2/25/2012 VA3OR 3/22/2012 W5PFG 9/16/2012 WA4NVM 2/27/2012 WD9EWK 3/4/2012
Info on how to make the maps is on the grid map page: http://www.papays.com/sat/gridmaps/gridmaps.html
73, John K8YSE
participants (1)
John Papay