A separate email was sent out to the KEPS distribution list listing the 10 ULTRASat objects. W 5QGD did not have either of the amateur payloads on last week at all. hey were added by somebody else over the weekend to the past predictions. I think ULTRASat3 is PSAT
Message: 12 Date: Fri, 29 May 2015 08:49:36 -0400 From: Paul Stoetzer n8hm@arrl.net To: David L Warnberg dwarnberg@verizon.net Cc: "amsat-bb@amsat.org" amsat-bb@amsat.org Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] BRICSat Message-ID: CABzOSOojzvTQeURy-s8HdzNqQNJr-=A-uavtS7A93X8LXOXwuQ@mail.gmail.com Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Yes. Both of them were removed from today's set of AMSAT keps for some reason. The AMSAT keps are what populate the Online Pass Predictions page.
Paul, N8HM
participants (1)
Tom schuessler