Don't forget the 6 meter Model control frequencies...
----- Original Message -----
To:;; "'Bob Bruninga '"
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 2:05 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: OT: Universal Text Messaging and Pagers (WAS
Good afternoon to all -
On the subject of amatuer paging
While in an email letter to Nigel (sorry I don't remember his call)
I may have just convenced (sp) myself that paging is probably perfectly
legal in the ham bands
Let's see if I can follow my own logic and then let's get a paging network
up and running :-)
I am not In front of my computer and not looking at Part 97 - so I maybe
off a bit
There are a couple of parts of part 97 that applie
Paging is a digital mode - YES got that covered
POCSAG the format for paging is open and avaiable to anyone who wants to
use it - freely avaible protocal - YES got that covered
The issue comes when you think as pageing as a one way device - now Part
97 limits what type of one way transmittions we can do - I think it
specifically say there are three types of one way transmittions we can do. I
can't remember all of them - the two I do remember and I think applie are
trying to make a QSO and the telemetery - weather, local and national
emergancy, dx reports, would fit without question into the telemetery
area - each can be set on its own capcode and every amateur pager can have
those cap codes programmed into it - However
Pagers all have a "personal" capcode - we have a choice of either setting
all of the personal capcodes to the same one - not using personal and not
recording the personal capcodes - OR finding the reasoning why a personal
capcode is legal to use -
We are allowed to make one way transmittions to establish a QSO - as I
said I am not looking at part 97 but as I recall - it doesn't say we have to
establish on the same band or at the same time - just that we can use it to
establish a QSO -
So let's say I know your personal capcode - I send to you making a call up
now "KF8II de KD8BXP pls call on 40meter 7.100 at 2200z"
I think that would be 100% legal. So it is all about content and not about
the techonolgy of it being a oneway device
Sent on the Now Network from my Sprint® BlackBerry
-----Original Message-----
From: "Dave"
Date: Tue, 7 Jul 2009 11:28:27
To:; 'Bob Bruninga '
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: OT: Universal Text Messaging and Pagers (WAS Re:
Doesn't anyone know someone at the FCC to get a prelim opinion or 'sense
the commission' without a rule having to be made? A phone call maybe...
DM78qd // KA0SWT
If it weren't for Philo T. Farnsworth, inventor of television, we'd still
eating frozen radio dinners.-- Johnny Carson
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Bob Bruninga
Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2009 7:55 AM
To: Ben Jackson
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: OT: Universal Text Messaging and Pagers (WAS Re:
Using paging devices on Amateur Radio is perfectly legal like any
other radio. It all boils down to use. If you use it for setting up
a one-way systemm for a pizza delivery service, it is clearly
illegal. If you use it as part of your overall local communications
network of amateur radio volunters it is just one more tool in the
tool box.
Unfortunately, the way Part 97 currently reads is that most pager
transmissions to an individual are illegal under §97.111(b), as it is
a "one way"
transmission that, in most cases, would not qualify under the "legal"
Sorry, one can also claim that every transmission is one-way because only
under full duplex conditions is a system truely two-way. There are all
kinds of applications in amateur radio where one side of the link uses
different hardware than the other return side, and once can make all kinds
of arguments as to how much delay is involved between the transmission and
the receiption.. 3 seconds? 10 seconds, a minute? 10 minutes? A day?
When you make a call to a party TO ESTABLISH commmunications it is one
until the person gets his system going and responds.
In my mind a pager is just another way of making the call. THe intent is
NOT ONE WAY, it is to provide a call-up or a message as part of a CLEARLY
TWO-WAY amateur network.
There is no reason to nit pick rules. When one is broadcasting (one way)
the general public or using amateur radio inappropriately, I think
can tell when it is blatanly illegal. I just don't see the FCC cares one
nit about some of these debates when any one can see that hams are taking
initiative to better their use of the radio art.
You just have to ignore the curmudgeons who have nothing better to do
than nit-pick ways to prevent other hams from developing useful
applications of technology. A pager is simply the text-to-user
device integrated into the normal local 2-way amateur radio
communications system.
The issue is that, according to Part 97, it can't be used beyond QSTs,
telemetry, or "necessary"
emergency communications. Could I get away with setting up such a
system? Likely. Do I foot to stand on when my local OO comes knocking?
Not so much.
Some OO's are part of the problem, not the solution...
An amateur satellite would make a great downlink to these pagers.
Again, the goal should simply be, any message, any time, anywhere
using any device to any user by callsign alone.
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