Not currently operational for satellite but checkout my antenna arrangement: http://www.kl7uw.com/sat.htm
I have a single top section of Rohn-25g tower mounted on a hinge base with the B5400 mounted just above the tower. The old set up had too much wind area and weight too high for the aluminum mast (see the bent over photo). For antenna work I just unbolt and layover the tower on its hinges using my lawn tractor holding a guy wire.
New trimmed down array is with part of M2 436CP42 array (using 26 element back part of boom) and a 2M7 yagi from M2. I also have a small 2.4 GHz patch antenna not is use.
I had all this mounted on the roof of our old house on a TV tripod tower (no photos).
Some day I will get it all restored and figure how to utilize my K3 and KX3 for a mode-UV station. I am too involved in eme at present and running small ham business. Hoping for a Heo or Geo style satellite for the future.
73, Ed - KL7UW http://www.kl7uw.com "Kits made by KL7UW" Dubus Mag business: [email protected]
participants (1)
Edward R Cole