urgent help from AMSAT members worldwide

Dear Paul Stoetzer, Executive Vice President of Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT-NA) and member of AMSAT-BB
The Radio Amateur Society of Thailand under patronage of His Majesty the King (RAST) would like to thank you for the SatPC32 program along with the Registration Code for the HS0AJ Ground Station. I and members of RAST along with the team building the JAISAT-1 satellite used your program to control the Rotor with a V/U antenna to work automatically in order to receive signals from amateur radio satellites that passed over Thailand. We have posted a video on YouTube of this, along with audio from an IC-9100 transceiver, which you can view by using the link below or by searching YouTube for the callsign HS0AJ.
We have made an application to the Thai regulator, the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) to set up ground stations in different regions of Thailand in four locations, from North to South and with the following callsigns:
1. GS station in the North of Thailand, using the callsign HS0AN
2. GS station in the South using the callsign HS0AS
3. GS Station in the Northeast of Thailand using the callsign HS0AO
4. GS station in the Central region of Thailand with the callsign HS0AL
We intend to post videos from all of these stations on YouTube, similar to those from HS0AJ, and we will establish ground stations all over the country in order to receive signals from satellites and to enable amateur radio operators and others in Thailand who are interested to access videos from these stations on YouTube.
However, now we are seeking urgent help from AMSAT members worldwide because we are unable to contact the company Innovative Solutions In Space (ISIS) with which RAST had signed a contract to buy components for a U-class CubeSat but excluding the payload, being the Linear Transponder. Since the beginning of this year up until now we have been unable to contact ISIS, which is the reason for this appeal to you for urgent help in the purchase of components for the Flight Model of the 1U CubeSat satellite which is capable of carrying a payload of a Linear Transponder for RAST and which has been assembled and has passed the testing phase.
Can anyone please provide some recommendations to us regarding the assembly of the satellite – and as quickly as possible? RAST and its members are lacking experience in satellite assembly and for the initial testing phase and we are appealing for suggestions as to where we can find suppliers of CubeSat components and as to who can test them and send the satellite out into space?
For your consideration, please find some YouTube links about testing and building a Linear Transponder below:
Thermal vacuum test
Vibration Test
Design PCB
3D of JAISAT-1 Satellites
Sincerely and with respect,
Tanan Rangseeprom
participants (1)
Tanan Rangseeprom