G-5500 AZ ROTATOR SOLD / Buy New or Repair Yaesu Rotators?

Thanks for all of the interest but the Yaesu G-5500 azimuth rotator has already been sold....actually had 11 folks who wanted to buy it...but only had one of them and it went within afew hours of posting it on QRZ...
I did want to clarify one thing based on one of the emails I received… I was not selling an elevation rotator for $250… Just the azimuth rotator. Apologies for my obviously ambiguous statement.
What I was referencing is that the Yaesu parts department sells both the azimuth and the elevation G 5500 rotators for $250 each plus shipping of about $22. (They charge about $390 for the controller… These often sell on eBay for about $100… There was one selling for $79 a few days ago.)
If you are considering repair or refurbishment of your rotator, my cost was $122 plus $63 for return shipping plus the $63 shipping costs for me to send the rotator and controller since they wanted both to make sure what the problem was.
This equals a total cost of $248 for a refurbished one (which they ended up screwing up twice more with poor workmanship)… Versus $272 for a brand-new one with a one year warranty – and it comes with a brand-new lower mast mount to boot – and you don't end up with nearly 3 months of downtime off the satellites due to Yaesu's slow repair and screw ups.
I know money can be tight but you might, just maybe, consider this arithmetic and $24 difference next time one of your G-5500 rotators fail.
73 de Robert K3RRR
-.- ...-- .-. .-. .-. 73 de Robert K3RRR K3RRR.com <~~~~~~~~~~ Visit My Web Site @K3TripleR <~~~~~~~~~~ Follow Me On Twitter YouTube.com/K3RRR <~~ Check Out My Videos -.- ...-- .-. .-. .-. On 4/20/2018 12:55 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] Yaesu rotor troubles From: Robert [email protected] Date: 4/19/2018 5:12 PM
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Hi Richard,
I just bought a new azimuth rotator for my Yaesu G 5500 because Yaesu repair was taking way too long to do its job. I finally received back the refurbished and repaired old azimuth rotator which I'm now selling.
Refurbishment included a new potentiometer, ball bearings and fresh grease, etc. It has been tested and works. Note: this sale is only for the azimuth rotator. See invoice in photos for description of work done. No returns.
Price is $122 plus ConUSA shipping of $22 for total price of $144 - payable via PayPal.
I just listed this on QRZ this afternoon at:
There is also a G5500 controller posted on eBay today for about $90....you can also buy just the EL G5500 rotator for $250 plus shipping.
Lots of options...maybe some mix works for you.
73 de Robert K3RRR
-.- ...-- .-. .-. .-. 73 de Robert K3RRR K3RRR.com <~~~~~~~~~~ Visit My Web Site @K3TripleR <~~~~~~~~~~ Follow Me On Twitter YouTube.com/K3RRR <~~ Check Out My Videos -.- ...-- .-. .-. .-.
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