Commercial Mode L Antenna sources

I am thinking about putting in a 1.2 Ghz module in m IC910H. That has me looking at Mode L antennas. Until my browser blew up a few weeks ago, I had severa links to antenna candidates but have lost those now. Would appreciate any links to antennas that are usable with AO-51 and maybe the phase 3 birds when they launch.
Thanks, Ron KA4KYI

Ron, I have made a quad loop and installed it just in front of the 2.4 GHz feed in a Grill type dish. It has about 18 dBi at 1.2 GHz. ( dish rated for 24 dBi @ 2.4 GHz) I have used this combination for ATV in So California aera for several years and no reason why it won't work for AO-51. Good encouragement for LS mode on a single antenna! Art, KC6UQH ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ronald Nutter" To: Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 6:41 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Commercial Mode L Antenna sources

I have an M2 23CM35EZ which works very well with AO-51. Overkill on AO-51, and probably marginal for P3, though they are easy to stack for gain.
If you want to go with a commercial helix, Directive Systems makes the DSH23-12. A friend bought one, and in fact got them to make one with a few more turns in it. It worked well, and is certainly designed to withstand the elements.

At 04:15 AM 7/2/2008, Alan P. Biddle wrote:
Dale, KL7XJ uses one of the Directive Systems Helix antennas for Mode-LU on AO-51 driving with his IC-910H 1.2 GHz module and this works well for him. Hopefully he can fill you in with details. He brought his portable trailer-mounted az-el satellite array to FD but had failure in his Sat AZ-EL controller power supply (24vac) which prohibited antenna movement. He is using a Gulf-Alpha VHF/UHF yagi designed for satellite operation. with the Helix.
The 35EZ antennas was used by a few folks on AO-40 Mode-LS, but either they stacked them or ran more power. I would guess you might want at least a 2x array and 20w for P3E (but no link analysis has been published to my knowledge).
***************************************************** 73, Ed - KL7UW BP40iq, 6m - 3cm 144-EME: FT-847, mgf-1801, 4x-xp20, 185w AK VHF-Up Group NA Rep. for DUBUS: *****************************************************

Thanks for the info. I can put ~75-80 watts to the antenna, so when we get another HEO, I will have a shot at it. The "extended" helix my friend got is about 15.5 dbi CP gain. The M2 is rated at 18.4 dbd (20.5dbi) linear. So when you put all the conversions in to get it to apples to apples, you can eat the 3 db CP to linear mismatch and the M2 is still ahead a couple of db.
I have worked mode-L on all the past and current birds with different antennas and amps, so it will be interesting to see what the future holds.

I used Directtive Systems model 2314LYRM 14 ELEMENT rear mount 36 INCH 15 dBi gain loop yagi for the past 2 field days. Feed it with 80 feet of Andrews 1/2 inch hardline. I had a 6 foot jumper of RG8 from the antenna to the hardline to do the twist. Also a 8 foot piece of the same RG8 at the radio end as it just did not quit reach.
I tested this with the IC-1200 before the big day. I saw 23 watts at the radio and 13 at the antenna using the Bird. Lord knows that is enough to work AO-51 anytime.
Thanks W4AMC for the mode L/u contact. GD sig.
73's << John
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Alan P. Biddle wrote:
participants (5)
Alan P. Biddle
Edward Cole
John Price
Ronald Nutter