2006 AMSAT North America Space Symposium 6-8 October 2006, Foster City, California Call for Papers: Final Call http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/symposium/2006CallForPapers.php
Invitation: Speakers are invited to submit and present papers dealing with the science of Amateur Radio Satellites and associated technologies for the AMSAT 2006 Space Symposium. The Symposium will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Foster City, California approximately 10km south of San Francisco International Airport. This is an annual Symposium, however the 2005 Symposium was cancelled due to hurricane damage caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Speakers originally scheduled for the 2005 Symposium are invited to re-submit papers for the 2006 Symposium.
Topics: Recommended topics include but are not limited to the following categories:
· AMSAT P3E · AMSAT Eagle · Microsatellite Projects · Cubesat and Nanosatellite Projects · ARISS · Attitude Determination and Control · Propulsion · Communications · Mechanical · Antennas · Groundstations · Digital Modes · Education and Outreach · Launch Opportunities · Status Reports
Other Activities: · The AMSAT Board of Directors will meet on 5-6 October. · The AMSAT Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on 6 October. · AMSAT International will meet 8 October · The IARU Satellite Committee will meet during the Symposium and will hold a public round table discussion on frequency coordination on 8 October · The ARISS International Delegates Meeting will be held on 9-10 October · "Birds of a Feather" sessions (BOFS) will be available on request
Deadline: Applications for papers must be received ASAP. Papers must be submitted no later than 12 September 2006.
Procedure: The planning committee has created an online registration system where you can submit your abstract and track it. Using this system you will allow you to submit your paper and any subsequent changes online. Visit the 2006 Symposium Paper Registration webpage for instructions: http://www.amsat.org/amsat-new/symposium/2006PapersProcedure.php
Contact Emily Clarke, N1DID for additional information or Jean Fletcher KG6IAK for additional information
Venue: See the 2006 Space Symposium web page for additional information about the venue.
participants (1)
Emily Clarke