AREDN via GEO satellite discussion on GEO.IO Group.

Please pay attention to the discussion about AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Network) via a GEO satellite on the GEO.IO Group. These guys want our GEO sat(s) up ! Rent-A-GEO would work in the interim...(What is the status of this?)
Please join the GEO.IO Group as well.,,,20,0,...
Bernard, KC9SGV
Sent from my iPad

Rent-a-GEO funding proposal was published 28 September 2019.
Current document can be found at
Unlike the Phase 4 Space funding proposal, which is four dedicated GEO amateur payloads, the Rent-a-GEO was not invited for submission to ARDC. ARDC is not currently accepting grant proposals, according to their website.
If you want to see it considered by ARDC, then it would be helpful to tell them. That may make a difference.
Other funding sources under consideration are ARRL Foundation and FEMA.
I have several meetings scheduled to talk about Rent-a-GEO at AMSAT-NA Symposium and will be available the entire event for discussions about this, the global GEO payload proposal, the major advancements in LDPC decode and channelizers, and more.
I anticipate being able to incorporate quality feedback, comment, and critique at Symposium into the draft and publish a revision in late October. That's the current status.
-Michelle W5NYV
On Thu, Oct 3, 2019 at 8:49 AM KC9SGV [email protected] wrote:
Please pay attention to the discussion about AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Network) via a GEO satellite on the GEO.IO Group. These guys want our GEO sat(s) up ! Rent-A-GEO would work in the interim...(What is the status of this?)
Please join the GEO.IO Group as well.,,,20,0,...
Bernard, KC9SGV
Sent from my iPad
participants (2)
Michelle Thompson