SO-67 - Crippled, But Not Totally Gone

SO-67's primary objective was photographic research. That aspect of the project is gone. But ...
"The satellite was also extensively used by amateur radio enthusiasts as it carries a radio transponder and digitalker. Olivier says that radio transmissions still operate, making it useful to radio operators around the world, including in the US, Europe and Australia."
Clint Bradford K6LCS

On 1/26/12, Clint Bradford [email protected] wrote:
SO-67's primary objective was photographic research. That aspect of the project is gone. But ...
"The satellite was also extensively used by amateur radio enthusiasts as it carries a radio transponder and digitalker. Olivier says that radio transmissions still operate, making it useful to radio operators around the world, including in the US, Europe and Australia."
According to South Africa AMSAT's website, all amateur radio activities have been suspended. Has this been confirmed?
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
participants (2)
Clint Bradford