Thanks to all who have posted in public forums and sent me private e-mails about the upcoming W7O operation. I am now ready to take sign-ups for those who would like to operate as W7O during the 15-24 November (UTC time) period.
An important point regarding who can operate as W7O... W7O can only be operated from US territory, where amateur radio is regulated by the FCC. It cannot be used from outside US territory, as these 1x1 special calls - just like US club calls - are not covered by any of the arrangements like CEPT, IARP, or other agreements between the USA and other countries. I have been asked by some non-USA hams who were interested in operating as xxx/W7O or W7O/xxx in their countries. I'm sorry - this is not possible.
For the HF/6m operating, I will take signups for one- hour increments on the HF bands (excluding 60m) plus 6m, for CW, phone, and digital modes. For the 30m band, only CW and digital modes. I am wanting to avoid two stations operating on the same band/mode combination as W7O at the same time. If you are willing to operate for 2, 4 or more hours at one time - please feel free to sign up for more consecutive slots. Also, please let me know about your HF station - rig(s), antenna(s), etc. If you do sign up, please follow through with being on the air at the specified times. Stations will be looking for W7O on the different bands.
For the satellites, I am looking for operators in different parts of the USA. In particular, operators in the eastern USA capable of working Europe, north Africa, and South America along with North America will be welcomed. Other operators who are not able to work other continents are also welcome, but there has been interest from hams outside of North America to work W7O on the satellites - especially AO-7. I plan on working W7O on the satellites during weeknights and as much as possible on the two weekends during this 10-day period, but would be happy to share the work with others who may want to work as W7O during those times.
Operators would need to operate within the limits of their amateur licenses. The W7O call does not grant additional privileges to the operator. Operators are required to give their personal call signs once per hour when operating under a 1x1 special call. For example, saying "W7O, operated by (operator's call)" would satisfy this requirement. On the satellites with passes that are typically 10 to 20 minutes in length, giving the "W7O, operated by (operator's call)" announcement around the midpoint of each pass worked would be a good thing.
Once I get some operating commitments from operators, I will publish the schedule through a link on my WD9EWK QRZ.com entry and my web page. This way, others will know where and when to look for W7O during this 10-day period.
After the 24th, W7O operators would need to send me a log of stations worked, with the usual bits of data - date/UTC time, call, band (or bands, for satellite QSOs), mode, and (for satellites) satellite name. I can handle ADIF log files, Excel spreadsheets, text files, and logs pasted into the body of e-mails. If you are not able to send me a file in any of these formats, please let me know, so we can work out a way to get the logs. Logs will be uploaded to Logbook of the World, and I (WD9EWK) will handle the QSL cards for W7O.
Please e-mail me directly if you're interested in operating as W7O, or if you have any other questions about this operation.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/
participants (1)