Re: What Happened to the PacSats?

Op 4-1-2012 21:29, Chris Maness schreef:
I have been looking into using the APRS digipeater on the ISS to send txt messages. Is this possible? I go hiking and camping a lot, and it would be cool to at least digipeat through the ISS. What would be even better is an email sat. Store and forward to gatway stations that relay emails like winlink does. This would be great for outbackers and people in developing areas that don't have this ability. The gateway station could approve and foreward inbound email too so that way the messages are sent like 3rd party traffic. No spam and junk like that.
Just a Thought, Chris Maness KQ6UP
Short emails are posible trough iss
it's one way only but good enough for checkin messages, there are enough monitoring stations to cover most needs, africa might be a bit hard at places but even there, there should be posibileties.
73 Andre PE1RDW
73 Andre PE1RDW
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