For those trying to capture the Mcube-2 telemetry, it surely is a lot of fun downloading the 9k6 data at 70cm! The SW that the project team provides is really easy to use and looks nice. Cool demo for your friends when you want to show-case your involvement in Cubesats.
With my modest set/up I can decode when the satellite is >20 degrees elevation.
A note on the downlink frequency: the published frequency is 437.485MHz, but I have better results a few kHz lower: 437.480MHz.
Success! Henk, PA3GUO

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year from myself, W4BUE, and our K4AMG organization, now a Public Charity 501c3.
It has been a great year for us and after February we will be on the air with our new Circular antennas and a hand held station for FM.
Tonight, Straight Key Night, K4AMG will be operating CW on HF and a few OSCAR passes.
God Bless
Rich W4BUE Pres K4AMG
participants (2)