For the builders out there I am offering the following kits.
CNCTRK Modular Antenna Positioner and Tracking System Kits for Small to Moderate Sized Antenna Tracking of LEO Satellites, Sun, and Moon
1. RAZO Kit -- DIY Azimuth-Only Positioner $200 US, shipped Includes: gearbox components, mounting plate, stepper motor, and assembled motor driver electronics. Mechanical assembly reqd.
2. RAZEL Kit -- DIY AZ/EL Positioner $400 US, shipped Includes: gearbox components (2 ea), stepper motors (2 ea) and assembled motor driver electronics (2 ea), plus Antenna Mounting Kit for Two Antennas. Mechanical assembly reqd.
3. RASPI Kit -- Raspberry Pi-Based Tracking System $60 US, shipped Includes: Raspberry Pi Model B+, MicroSD Card with working CNCTRK Image (using PREDICT), DC-DC Converter (12V-to-5V), RTC Module w/batt, Interface PCB and components (some SMD type), including pre-programmed PIC microcontroller, needed to build the control interface. PCB assembly is required. (NOTE: Available for sale only with RAZO or RAZEL items above.)
The RAZO and RAZEL units can be controlled using the LinuxCNC on a suitable computer, or RASPI, the Raspberry Pi based tracking system running Predict. Or, use your own controller with STEP and DIRECTION outputs. All Items operate on 12 VDC for portable use.
Instructions and details at http://ki4sbl.dodropin.org/CNCTRK along with links to YouTube videos that describe and demonstrate the system. (These are my first videos, ever; please be kind!)
You bring RF gear, antennas, parallel cable, monitor, keyboard, and power supply (battery) to talk to the birds. Good project for winter, tutoring kids & grandkids, satellites, and learning CNC!
View the web page and videos, please, before ordering. A limited quantity of kits are available. Ships to Lower 48 only (for now).
Thanks for reading and have fun! Bob KI4SBL
participants (1)
Bob Freeman