Compilation of the replies for requests where to find MGF-1302's, in past 14 years.
Thanks to contributions by: CT1DMK, CT1FAK, W6OAL, WA7TDU, EA1YO, EA4BAS, VE4MA, NP4C, AL7OB, N7LQ & VE7BQH for their help.
MGF-1302's can be found at:
SPAIN EA3GCY (http://iws.es/ea3gcy/) SSB electronics (Barcelona)
USA RF-Parts WA5VJB (E-Mail: [email protected]) Down East Microwave (www.downeastmicrowave.com) 5 units = US $25 Advanced Receiver Research (http://www.advancedreceiver.com/) Price: $11.50 plus mailing (Last updated on 1-Dec-2000) Other places R.F. Elettronica (I2FHW) Lins Berben PA3CMC had a lot for sale. He asks 2.5 Euros/each plus shipping (Last updated on 17-May-2003) Rainer Jager DC7XY DB6NT (Kuhne electronic) CT1DMK (E-Mail: [email protected]) Barend Hendriksen Electronics in the Netherlands (http://www.xs4all.nl/~barendh/Indexeng.htm)
=== w9gb
participants (1)
Gregory Beat