I think it's about time to put a notice on the AO-7 log again for the benefit of those who *CAN'T* see what everybody else does.
PA1NTO at 14:45 ... then again at 14:46. PE1BVQ at 16:26 ... then again at 16:40.
If people make a mistake they *CAN* correct it ... (tick the *REMEMBER ME* box and edit the entry with the hourglass). ..................................................................................................
PLEASE !!! ... ONLY ONE ENTRY PER PASS ... (max 6 stations worked) ... MORE !!! than 6 stations per pass and you may use two entries for the same pass.
The QSO's pane means the callsign of the station you worked, *NOT* the fact that you called CQ. There are lots of stations calling CQ who never put an entry in the log so a a mere CQ really of much interest to anybody.
There is a dedicated COMMENTS pane ...................................................................................................
73 John. [email protected]
participants (1)
John Hackett