To celebrate Engineering Day Ham Radio workshop conducted at Marwadi University Rajkot - Gujarat by AMSAT-INDIA

Dear Hams,
Excellent Workshop titled "Fascinating World of Ham Radio & Amateur Radio Satellites" was conducted by AMSAT-INDIA's Regional Coordinator Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP at reputed Marwadi University Rajkot (Gujarat) INDIA on occasion of Engineering Day celebrations on 15th Sep 2022. It was half day (10:00AM to 02:00PM) interactive workshop full of presentations, Audio Visual Documentary, Practical Demos, Q & A sessions and Radio stuff Exhibition with live operation.
There were 80 B.Tech students participated from ICT + MU's Student Satellite Project team.
Our ham team includes YL Sakshi Vagadia VU3EXP & YL Shyama Vagadia VU3WHG, both member extended great support to setup VHF station, organise & display Radio Stuff and assisting in practical demos including SSTV, Digital & FM VHF Demo with groups! Btw Shyama VU3WHG also remain one of the student coordinator of this event as well as Team member of Student Satellite Project.
Participants gained knowledge on broad spectrum of topics from CW to Cube Satellites! In first session Radio fundamental, operating protocols, radio jargons, Licencing procedure etc were covered. In second session participants were briefed with various Ham radio events like FD, Hilltop, Light House activation, POTA, IOTA, EME, Satellite tracking, SatCom, High Altitude Balloon tracking, ARISS SSTV & Student outreach program which gives exposure to gain knowledge & develop skills from outside radio Shack activities also!
Lots of fruitful discussion happen during workshop and students were satisfied with all of their queries.
In workshop we had gracious presence of Shri Naresh Jadeja (Registrar), Dr. R. Sridaran (Dean), Dr. Jaypalsinh (MCA Dept), Dr. Shobhit Patel (Researcher). We also thanks to Shri C. D. Parmar Sir (HOD ICT) and Program Coordinator Prof Mitesh Solanki for all the great support provided to make this workshop successful.
I am glad to notice this Ham workshop created a Ham buzz in the Marwadi University campus. For me too it was great honour to present & share my best knowledge amongst budding engineer's on the occasion of Engineering Day!
Thank you 73
Rajesh Vagadia VU2EXP Rajkot (Gujarat) India Regional Coordinator West India Zone AMSAT-INDIA M: +91-9898283916 E: [email protected]
participants (1)
Rajesh Vagadia - VU2EXP