Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Since We Are Off Topic Somewhat.... From: Joe nss@xxxxxxx Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2008 20:18:15 -0600
Does anyone have the actual speeds at each altitude going up vs coming down?
I tried to collect some notes of detail during this latest landing :
Landing -20min : 44 miles altitude, 15,000 mph, 80degree roll left L -18min : 43 miles alt, 95 feet/sec descent rate L -16min : 38 miles alt, Mach17, 900 miles away L -13min : 33 miles alt, Mach12, 600 miles away, 64degree roll right (Cuba) L -10min : 200 miles away (Ft.Meyers), AOS MILA, TACANS L -8 min : 20 miles alt, 127 miles away (visible on tracking cam) L -6 min : 14 miles alt, 70 miles away L -4 min : Mach1 - sonic booms heard (heads-up pilot view showing clouds) L -2 min : 1,000 ft alt, thru the clouds L -0 min : touchdown L +1 min : rollout, wheel stop - Welcome home Atlantis and crew !
I somehow doubt that we'll enjoy such detailed commentary on tonite's "Spy-Sat smack-down"... 73 /;^)
participants (1)
Alan Sieg WB5RMG