HITSAT- latest info prior to launch 22Sep06 21:36UT

Hokkaido Institute of Technology HITSAT is scheduled for launch 22Sep06 21:36UT with Solar-B on M-V-7. See http://www.isas.jaxa.jp/e/countdown/index.shtml for real-time launch information.
See http://www.hit.ac.jp/~satori/hitsat/index-e.html and http://showcase.netins.net/web/wallio/CubeSat.htm for more HITSAT information.
HITSAT call sign: JR8YJT 437.275 CW 100mW 437.425 FM/AFSK 1200bps AX.25 (initially only with HITSAT GS access)
See http://www.hit.ac.jp/~satori/hitsat/system/hitcom-e.htm for CW telemetry format.
HITSAT telemetry reception reports go to http://www.hit.ac.jp/~satori/hitsat/report.html via the embedded form.
HITSAT RSS service will carry latest near real-time launch, separation and operation information. See http://www.hit.ac.jp/~satori/hitsat/index-e.html to download HITSAT RSS READER.
Preliminary TLEs are not yet available but I have estimated first orbit AOS based on M-V-8 Cute1.7 experience:
Australia T0+14min (power up?) South America T0+44min East Coast USA T0+64min Midwest USA (W0RPK) T0+67min Alaska USA T0+82min HITSAT CGS T0+95min
TNX es 73 de Ralph Wallio, WØRPK [email protected] http://showcase.netins.net/web/wallio/ Hubbert's Peak - The Mother of all Perfect Storms

I am sending this along on behalf of a ham who doesn't have access to the AMSAT-BB. He is having difficulty connecting to GO-32 using WiSP . . .
"Telemetry from AO-51 downloads perfectly with TLMecho. Data that other Hams have requested from GO-32 also downloads fine. But, when I request a file to be downloaded I get the 'connected to' message from the satellite and then my request is uplinked and the message 'Error-unknown kiss data type 0D' is sent back. Every time WISP sends up a request this comes back. Eventually I get a disconnect and it all starts over again. I have seen this message a few times when just monitoring the satellite downloads so other people must be having the same problem.
"I noticed I couldn't get connected to GO-32 on 145.850 or 145.890. I used 145.930. Does the satellite use all three simultaneously?"
If anyone has any helpful advice, I'll forward it along.
Thanks and 73 . . . Steve, WB8IMY
participants (2)
Ford, Steve, WB8IMY
Ralph Wallio, W0RPK