FT847 satellite power output problem

Hello all; our F6KBR radio-club is almost ready to be active very soon via satellites with Yaesu FT847 rig but we have a big problem: no power output on SAT position. Everything else is OK, any mode... We tried full Reset (menu #39) but still same problem.
Thanks for any help. 73 de Michel F6HTJ

On 4/30/15, f6htj--- via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Hello all; our F6KBR radio-club is almost ready to be active very soon via satellites with Yaesu FT847 rig but we have a big problem: no power output on SAT position. Everything else is OK, any mode... We tried full Reset (menu #39) but still same problem.
Thanks for any help. 73 de Michel F6HTJ
I bought my '847 second-hand and it was in pretty rough shape when I got it. I had problems with how the output power was displayed, but, after fiddling with it for several weeks, I sent it away and had it re-aligned.
It seemed to have solved the problem.
Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
participants (2)