Folks - Thanks so much for all of the input - it is truly appreciated. I'm not sure what exactly we will do but I have seen a common thread of avoiding the egg beater/omni type antennas....so down the rabbit hole we go. It's an interesting path the hobby has taken me - licenses in 1977 but out of college in 1985, I came down to Texas and worked at General Dynamics (now Lockheed Martin). I got to meet and work with a lot of Hams right from the start. One of them was Keith - W5IU one of THE people to go to for satellite info. He was in the Radar Systems Group across the hall from me in Power Systems Design. He was always willing to to talk radio and especially satellites....something for me at the time I had really never considered. I should have listened better :) Gwen and I will get something together over the next months - so if you hear a nervous 13 yo girl on one of the birds - please say hi. Again - Thank you all for the input! 73/Greg/N5IFGwen/KD9PDL (thats gonna change soon as she's shopping for vanity calls :) )
On Monday, August 28, 2023 at 02:40:03 PM CDT, Marshall Toburen via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
If the run from your rig to your antenna is < 150', if you get the longer M2 circularly polarized yagis + AZ/EL rotator; and you use hard line feed I have found you don't need mast mounted preamps. 73, Marshall, AAØFO On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 1:16 PM Don Solberg via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
If you want to get the maximum enjoyment out of the satellites, you want to be able to operate the linear birds and the Greencube digipeater, I would recommend the M2 Leo pack, at least a UHF mast mounted preamp and an AZ/EL rotator. This is what I use with my 9700 and it works very well. Operating the FM birds with minimal equipment is fun but it can get very boring very easily.
73, Don K9AQ On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 5:06 PM Jerry Davis via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
I vot yes on Ant's NU1U recommendation with 1 exception. go for the ~15 foot cross polorized antenna about 15 dB gain on 2 meters and 18 dB gain on 70 CM. The circular polorized antennas are not critical to get into and receive the birds as in the early days.I have the same setup as Ant, but am looking at cross polorized antennas. Not only will it get you easier access to Greencube, but also for EME. There are quite a few stations that you can contact with that setup. and during contests you will be able to make quite a few contacts. And, dont forget the Preamps. These will definately help you receive Greencube and do EME. Have a buddy here that uses Eggbeaters and has excellant results, but he is limited on what he antenna he put up. He gets into greencube with his Alaskan Arrow and has to setup everything outside to operate. CheersJerry - N5EKO On Monday, August 28, 2023 at 09:48:41 AM CDT, Wes Baden via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Second the idea of an Arrow to start with. But FWIW, I started out with two small yagis that I already had on hand, 4EL on 144 MHz, 5EL on 435 MHz, one mounted horizontally, the other vertically, on separate tripods to further minimize desensitization, no rotors, outside on my house deck. Worked just about everything I heard, no big investment of money, lots of exercise running 2-3 times out onto the deck manually turning the yagis during passes. I still have yagis on tripods on the deck, same 4EL on 144 MHz but 9ELx2 on 435 MHz as a major interest is low horizon DX on RS-44 and 435 MHz downlink birds. And both are now on cheap TV antenna rotors. No preamp other than what’s in the ICOM 9700. Standing at 66 DXCC and 49 WAC (need a HI volcano SOTA to finally make 50). Go for it, play around with antennas, learn, have fun. Good luck. Will be listening for the two of you. Wes NA1MEMaine FN54 On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 10:05 AM GC via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Folks,Looking for some guidance. Been in the hobby for years but have never spent the time with satellites - I'm wanting to start. I also have a 13 yo daughter who just got her Extra here (KD9PDL) and she is asking about Q's on the birds....so am trying to keep up with her interests as well.
Can we expect reasonable results with some non-directional eggbeater or wagon wheel antennas or should I go all in and invest in a couple of LEO yagis and rotor? I I have the room for either setup, just wanted some opinions from those that have the experience.73/GregN5IF
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