Getting ready to leave for VP5 this weekend. Will be operating from Middle Caicos in grid FL41cu as VP5/AA4FL. Most likely days for OSCAR satellites will be Oct. 20-28, but will try for a day or two earlier.
I am using a FT-817 and Arrow antenna. Primary SAT will be FO-29 (up 145.93 MHz). I will call CQ using SSB, and listen for replies. Call me as I am not operating duplex and will need to tune around to find you. I will be on for common footprint passes with Europe and South America and try on AO-7 Mode B (up 432.50 MHz) when possible.
USA contacts will also include some SO-50 time. May also get on AO-73 and XW birds at times but we have work to do getting the VP5DX station ready for CQWW SSB Oct. 29-30. Plans are to upload LOTW while there, if we get Internet access.
Check my QRZ page for updates and additional info. Thanks to Drew KO4MA, Frank K4FEG, George MI6GTY, for helping me prepare. I also appreciate those who had recent QSO's with me while I was testing the equipment and gaining portable SAT operation experience.
73 and hope to get you in the log!
participants (1)
Jay Garlitz