I've planned my lunch today to coincide with the upcoming SO-50 pass at 1832-1845 UTC (a 27-degree pass, from my south to the northeast). That will be the only pass I can work as K7UGA during the daytime today. This evening, I am planning to make up for not being on last night and try two passes from home as K7UGA:
VO-52 at 0252-0305 UTC (an overhead pass) SO-50 at 0310-0320 UTC (11-degree pass, from north to southeast)
Tomorrow (Thursday, 16 February) morning will have some passes in the morning through midday that I should be able to work from home as K7UGA:
VO-52 at 1444-1455 UTC (21-degree pass to my east) VO-52 at 1620-1632 UTC (26-degree pass to my west) SO-50 at 1900-1914 UTC (78-degree pass, from southwest to north) AO-27 at 1921-1928 UTC (13-degree pass to my east)
Look for K7UGA around 145.910 MHz USB on the VO-52 downlink, but be ready to tune around if I am not there. If nobody is working me there, I will tune around and attempt to work anyone I hear on the transponder.
After these passes, I plan to be on the road to the Yuma Hamfest, and may stop to work passes on FO-29 and possibly AO-7 in mode B late in the afternoon if I can safely get off the freeway. Then everything will focus on the Yuma Hamfest starting Friday at midday, although I may be able to work some mid- to late-morning passes before the hamfest officially opens.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK (K7UGA) http://www.wd9ewk.net/
participants (1)