Any other audio from NA1SS passes on Saturday?

Did anyone in the central or eastern parts of the USA record the NA1SS passes on Saturday afternoon? I have my recordings which I used for my slideshow videos I posted on YouTube, but they do not cover the other contacts that took place as the ISS moved away from me during each pass. I am interested in trying to piece together a longer recording, possibly covering the time the ISS was passing over North America during each pass. I did this many years ago for an ISS pass over North America, piecing together a couple of recordings covering a pass down the Pacific coastline of the USA and Mexico, and would like to try to do that again for the Field Day passes.
If you have any recordings, please e-mail them directly to me. If the recordings are too large for e-mail, please contact me so we can make arrangements to transfer the files in some other manner.
Thanks in advance, and 73!
participants (1)