Delfi-C3 - accounts for uploading telemetry
Hi all,
the RASCAL telemetry decoding software for Delfi-C3 includes the possibility to upload telemetry to our servers. Although this can be done using the default "guest" account, we would like to encourage everyone to obtain an account by sending an e-mail with your name, callsign and gridsquare locator to [email protected] , so that we can actually see from which parts of the world we get telemetry. Furthermore, we will hold a small competition where the radio amateur who has submitted most packets after the three months science mission receives a prize. (Prize details to be announced) On our mission operations page at
we have added a link to a google map page showing all hams currently participating.
73 on behalf of the Delfi-C3 team
Wouter Jan Ubbels PE4WJ
participants (1)
Wouter Jan Ubbels