Re: [amsat-bb] HF Satellite Transponder

I bought a MOT spectra 20w 900-MHz FM rig for about $50 on e-bay. The seller programmed it for my desired ham frequencies (about 8 channels) for free. Mainly use 927.5 MHz simplex.
If you want to operate CW/SSB on 902 or 903 MHz call DEMI with credit card in hand.
What is hard is to find very many station on these bands.
I have my 900 station driving a MOT amp outputting 60w to 18-element loop-yagi (google Directive Systems).
So the hardest part of mw is convincing anyone to move up here.
I am QRV from 500-KHz to 10-GHz. hint - using a solder iron helps
73, Ed - KL7uW
Date: Thu, 26 May 2016 16:43:45 -0500 From: Peter Laws [email protected] To: AMSAT-BB [email protected] Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] HF Satellite Transponder
Getting above 1 GHz isn't easy. Actually, 900 isn't that easy, either. In fact, I'm looking for a clean IC910H with the L-band module so I can do just as you suggest. :-)
73, Ed - KL7UW "Kits made by KL7UW" Dubus Mag business: [email protected]
participants (1)
Edward R Cole